9 Sep 2020

Making animal production systems more sustainable together

Stay ahead as sustainability leader:
Join our journey in developing software solutions for a better world

The challenge of making the global production of environmentally intensive products, like meat, milk and eggs, more sustainable is becoming increasingly urgent. A growing group of companies acknowledges that reducing the environmental impact of animal products is critical to stay in business on the long run. They also realize that this is a chain-wide task and working together is the way to create impact. More and more companies in the animal production value chain start to assess the environmental impact of their products, set targets and report about their achievements.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the basis for this and allows a holistic and accurate sustainability assessment. An LCA gives insight into the entire life cycle of a product from cradle to grave, and shows where the environmental impacts take place. Recently, internationally recognized standards and guidelines for LCAs for the animal and feed sector have been developed. At the same time, joint efforts have been made leading to the development of a global LCA database that supports these standards. With these two developments, it is now time for the next step: software that generates cross-sector comparable LCA insights. Blonk took on this challenge during the past years, working on a new LCA software for Animal Production Systems. We developed APS-footprint, one of our current flagships, which is now available for the leading companies in the animal production value chain.

Our current star attraction: APS-footprint

APS-footprint is a web-based LCA calculation engine fully dedicated to the animal production sector. The tool helps generating insights in the specific environmental performance of any company in the animal production value chain, and this way gives clear direction on how to improve sustainability.

APS-footprint is now ready for the global leaders in sustainability

Over the past 20 years, Blonk Consultants has worked on sustainability issues with many organisations in the animal production value chain. For example, on sustainable feed solutions, animal housing systems and development of international environmental calculation standards.


While working together with the sector and observing developments in the international animal production industry, we concluded that it would be a great step forward to develop an online tool that gives sound and independent LCA results on the environmental performance of any animal production system. A tool that captures the complete animal value chain, including supporting companies like feed formulators, slaughterhouses and producers of animal housing systems. Over the last two years, we have worked hard to make this happen. The result is APS-footprint, a web-based tool providing a sound and standardised LCA model compliant with the latest calculation standards and linked to high-quality background databases. It enables professionals to easily calculate life cycle impacts for various animal production systems, and to export comprehensible results. APS-footprint allows companies in the animal production value chainto generate consistent and reliable information on the sustainability performance of their product portfolio.

Highlights of APS-footprint


  • Web based LCA software
  • Tailored to your needs
  • Compatible with your existing data management systems
  • Complete insight in your current environmental performance and possible improvements
  • Hotspot analysis showing which lifecycle stages and parameters define your impact
  • Possibility to run numerous “What if…” scenarios to explore how to improve your environmental performance
  • LCA methodology according to the latest internationally recognized standards
  • Assessment of 19 different environmental impacts


Joining forces to make animal production more sustainable

The core of the APS-footprint tool is built on years of experience in the agri-food LCA field. We are experts in agri-food LCAs, developing international environmental calculation standards and rules, building databases and LCA software tools.

We have high ambitions and want to reach a broad global use of the tool and make animal production more sustainable. Therefore, we are looking for the leaders in the animal production value chain that acknowledge the sustainability challenge, the need for action and the related business opportunity. We believe that to make APS-footprint a success, the software needs to be easily accessible and connected to user needs. Of course, nobody knows better what the market needs than the sector companies themselves. Therefore, we are looking for partners to combine our areas of expertise and create a high-end product following the needs of the industries. We are looking for pioneers; for companies that are ready to lead the way into a sustainable future. If this describes your company, you might be the one with whom we will make APS-footprint the globally leading sustainability software solution for the animal production sector.

Whom we are looking for?

We invite all players in the animal production value chain, think of feed formulators, feed mills, slaughterhouses, animal housing system suppliers, data management providers and all other companies which supply to the animal production sector.

What’s in it for you?

Together we will investigate the opportunities. We will explore with you how to implement the APS-footprint tool in your business and easily generate environmental footprints or measure the performance of your products and potential innovations. You will get prime access to the tool with guidance of our experts, while the tool will be improved inspired by your feedback and needs. At the same time, we will learn from you as an expert about specific (sustainability) issues in your sector.

This mutual journey enables us to create the best additional modules and features and finetune the existing modules where necessary. Let’s call it a triple win situation. Both of us win, but more importantly the world wins by more sustainably produced animal products.

Are you a sustainability frontrunner in the animal production sector?
Are you ready for the next step and want to stay ahead in the field?
Join us now!

APS-footprint is developed by Blonk Sustainability Tools

Software solutions for a better world
Blonk Sustainability Tools is the tool development department within Blonk Consultants, that offers sustainability software solutions for professionals in the agri-food sector. This includes dedicated, tailor-made and ready-to-use solutions to evaluate the environmental impact of agri-food systems. At the core of all our tools are standardised and international calculation rules and consistent background data and benchmarks – all based on our many years’ experience in the field. We make sure the tools give reliable and consistent results and ensure compliance with the latest international requirements. Moreover, the outcomes are always reproducible and transparent.

More information

If you have questions about APS-footprint, or want to know more about a partnership? Contact Hans Blonk or call +31 182 579970

Hans Blonk
Managing Director