2 Feb 2017

HumVi - Agri-footprint® Performance Report

Visual presentation of environmental performance of HumVi

Recently the environmental impact of HumVi (a product of Vitens) has been evaluated. The results are presented in an ‘Agri-footprint® Performance Report’. This report shows why a product is a front runner in the field of sustainability. Furthermore, the Agri-footprint® Performance Report presents the environmental performance of a specific product in a visual, clear and attractive format. So, it is ready to be used as a communication tool on sustainability of a specific product.

Environmental performance of HumVi

HumVi is a product of humic and fulvic acids derived from drinking water. Humic and fulvic acids are the main component of humic substances, which are primarily subtracted from any well-decomposed organic material, such as leonardite (brown coal) or composts. HumVi is the first product known, whereby the humic and fulvic acids are purified from drinking water. Using HumVi as growth-promoting agent in animal nutrition can be beneficial for animal production.

Adding 1.5% HumVi in the feed for piglet production highly reduces the impact of piglet production on climate change, freshwater eutrophication, agricultural land use and water depletion.

About HumVi

HumVi is a product produced by Vitens containing humic and fulvic acids. These substances are filtrated as byproduct to decolor drinking water. HumVi can be added to animal feed as a growth-promoting agent. Benefits of using humic and fulvic acids have been reported for plant growth, pig performance and egg production by laying hens, but the effects of adding HumVi as a growth-promoting agent to pigfeed in the production of piglets have been well investigated and documented.

Agri-footprint® Performance Report

Agri-footprint® Performance Report shows why a product is a front runner in the field of sustainability. The report shows the environmental performance of a specific product. One of the features of the Performance Report is the clear and visual presentation of (complex) information, which makes the information accessible for many customer groups. The full Life Cycle Inventory is published in the Agri-footprint® database and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment can be reproduced using SimaPro.

Some highlights

  • Using HumVi in the feed for production of piglets reduces the impact on climate change by 6.0% compared to regular piglet production.
  • Water depletion is reduced by 6.2%, while freshwater eutrophication and agricultural land occupation are reduced by approximately 5.5%.

There are approximately 5.600.000 piglets weighing less than 20kg in the Netherlands (2016). The annual reduced environmental impact of using HumVi is comparable to:
  • driving around the world in a car 3550 times,
  • the surface of 2600 soccer fields
  • or the annual water use of almost 1200 Dutch households.

About Agri-footprint®

Agri-footprint® is a high quality and comprehensive life cycle inventory (LCI) database, focused on the agriculture and food sector. It covers data on agricultural products: feed, food and biomass and is used by life cycle assessment (LCA) practitioners. In total the database contains approximately 3,500 products and processes. In the last years Agri-footprint is widely accepted by the food industry, LCA community, scientific community and governments worldwide and has been critically reviewed. Read more

Interested in an Agri-footprint® Performance Report of your product(s)?

Please contact Jasper Scholten, manager Life Cycle Assessment:
E-mail jasper@blonkconsultants.nl
Tel +31 (0) 182 579970