About the Summit

Land & Carbon Lab’s Summit is the premier global conference for policymakers, practitioners, and other innovators seeking to harness the power of geospatial data and monitoring towards this decade’s nature and climate goals. 
The 2023 Summit will convene over 500 participants, connecting scientists and technologists at the frontiers of the geospatial data revolution with decisionmakers and implementers on the
frontlines of land management.

The 2023 Summit will enable participants to share knowledge across eight action areas:
• Accelerating implementation of locally-led landscape restoration 
• Tackling deforestation and nature crime
• Strengthening community-led land stewardship
• Ensuring accountability for conversion-free supply chains
• Enhancing policy and finance mechanisms for nature-based
• Planning land use for more sustainable food systems
• Transparently tracking progress towards global commitments
• Creating more equitable, sustainable and resilient urban areas

Details Summit:
Date: June 27th-29th
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Access: By registration